Maybe the desk you’re sat at isn’t helping you.
Over the years I have been lucky enough to work in a number of creative companies, and on the whole my working environment has been ‘pleasant’ and ‘nice’, occasionally stimulating. That said, I have also had my fair share of grey desks, awful office chairs and tatty walls.
Now I work for myself. It’s Monday, it’s grey outside but in this corner of my studio it’s bright and sunny. Goodness, colours lift my spirits. The power that design, pattern and colour has on our life is huge. I’m massively influenced by my physical environment: to be at my best where I work needs to be bright, colourful, beautiful and tidy (tidy is a challenge).
Everyone should be given the tools to have ideas.
Not just ‘creative types’ (think designers. copywriters, architects). The suits, the pen pushers, the accountants, the post room assistants, the customer service teams, they all deserve a space to blossom in too.
Are you the boss? Look around you, does your office stimulate? Want more ideas forthcoming from your team? Get an interior designer in and get decorating.
Work from home? Carve out a precious space just for you.
Not the boss? What can you change? Put some pressure on? Bring in some art, tidy, add splashes of colour…
When even a great space isn't enough.
When my 4 walls aren’t enough and my brain needs more, my work space can be a walk outside, a gallery, a run, a bustling coffee shop, but as I said I work for myself so I can do that now. Perks.
Wishing you all a happy creative day too. Just look at how gorgeous that dried paint looks on the artists palette below. Inspiration for a new design?......